
BASIC INCOME makes a big difference

Time to give everyone that opportunity! Basic Income does not take away the motivation to work. Basic income removes the risk of being exploited. There have always been people with basic financial security because of inheritance, luck or because they belong to some privileged social group. They have always fared better than the people who lacked basic financial security. – Published 10 Sept 2020 here: https://www.facebook.com/Basinkomstpartiet.org/posts/3410043762351153/

BASIC INCOME makes it possible to:

- start planning long-term, educate yourself, start a business, dare to change your life.

- feel less stress and to become physically and mentally healthier.

- get better self-esteem and dare to stand up for your opinions.

- help your fellow human beings thanks to financial and time resources.

- become less suspicious of others.

- be able to say no to being exploited by politicians, banks, bad employers, relatives or partners.

- be able to choose where one wants to reside and live, be able to create a functioning local area instead of having to leave.

BASIC INCOME makes a big difference. Time to give everyone that opportunity!
Illustration: Jan Jäger, spokesman of Sweden's Basic Income Party.

Götz Werner: “We still combine the work with income: the income is glued to the work rather than to people. When work is rationalized away, it's the best thing that can happen. The problem is that we think that the work would be paid. This is a mistake. What needs to be paid, is that you are for example able to conduct this interview. The interview itself is unpayable. Or how do you want to measure the value of the interview? Or the value of the work of a teacher or a judge? So income is not the payment of work, but the facilitation of the work. This is a Copernican revolution in our thinking. This shift in consciousness is a major challenge.” (From Interview with Götz Werner by Wiener Zeitung 23 September 2013)

Jouko Hemmi about Social Security in the Pamphlet: “Referring also to our project's title, Basic Income - Cornerstone of the Nordic Welfare State, we have good enough reasons to suggest – as it is a question of greatly improving the traditionally good cooperation between the Nordic folks – that it is worthwhile introducing UBI in all Nordic countries concurrently, instead of realizing it as a set of country-specific basic income trials.UBI should be put straight to use.” “The traditionally good co-operation of the Nordic countries now has all the prerequisites for the introduction of a UBI representing genuine social restructuring. Each country can do it separately from its own premises or even all countries together at the same time. For we no longer need to experiment with the basic income or its 'equivalents'”.

Philip Kovce, an economist and philosopher suggests in Sueddeutsche Zeitung 5 August 2017: “A basic income cannot be tested, it can only be practiced.” The habitat of UBI is society - and this cannot be separated from itself by experiment. The future of society is unavailable to the scientific experiment, and that is precisely why it can be shaped politically. (German economist and philosopher Philip Kovce quoted in the pamphlet article on Social Security. More about his impressive thoughts behind this URL-address: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/aussenansicht-experimente-taeuschen-1.3615000

Rutger Bregman: “UBI is freedom.”

Thus we are free to follow Mahatma Gandhi's wise quidance: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” (Translations from Swedish and German: Jouko Hemmi, board member of BIEN Finland)

P.S. Below you will find the Pamphlet created by our Nordic Project.